Stryker 1005 SM104 Series Stretcher
The Stryker 1005 model “SM104” series stretcher is one of the
most popular and reliable stretchers made by Stryker and now
sold in the used-refurbished stretcher – gurney market. This
stretcher model also includes the model #1005 and model
#1007 which have big blue bumpers, push handles and easy
drop under side rails. We sell these stretchers to hospitals,
emergency rooms (ER), urgent care, surgery centers, post
anesthesia care units (PACU), general patient transport,
minor surgery procedures like laser surgery and endoscopy
procedures. See photos, prices and more information below.
Stryker 1005 M Series stretcher pedals and features
Stryker 1005 SM104 Stretcher Price
Refurbished with new mattress pad – 1 year parts warranty $1,895.00
Order the Stryker 1005 – 1007 stretcher gurney by contact us below.
San Diego California (858) 263-4894
Richmond Virginia (804) 929-6886
Stryker 1005 SM204 M Series Stretcher Walk Thru –
Stryker 1005 SM104 Stretcher Specifications
Maximum Weight Capacity 700 pounds
Overall Stretcher Length 84” ( .5”)
Overall Stretcher Width (Siderails Up) 33.5” & 37” ( .5”)
Overall Stretcher Width (Siderails Down) 30.25” & 30.75” ( .5”)
Minimum / Maximum Bed Height 20.75” / 34” ( .5”)
Fowler Angle 0 to 90° ( 3°)
Knee Gatch Angle 0 to 40° ( 1°)
Trendelenburg / Reverse Trendelenburg +16 / −16 ° ( 1°)
Stryker 1005 SM104 stretcher operator manual
Stryker 1005 SM104 Stretcher Photos
Stryker 1005 stretcher gurney
Stryker 1005 M Series Stretcher
The Stryker 1005 stretcher also referred to as an “M Series” stretcher also has a 1007
SM104 model which is basically exactly the same. SM104 models #1005 and #1007
do not have a 5th wheel where as the Stryker 1015 stretcher “SM204” model does.
We also sell the Stryker 1025 “SM204” model stretcher that has a 5th “big wheel” and
also Zoom Drive which automatically pushes the stretcher down the hall.
For more information on the Stryker 1005, 1007, 1015, 1025 and other “M Series”
models sold used and refurbished contact us below.
San Diego California (858) 263-4894
Richmond Virginia (804) 929-6886
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- Stryker SM104 1005 M-Series Transport Stretcher