EKG For Sale MAC 1200 Refurbished with 1 Year Warranty
and the MD Pro ADV 12 New with 1 Year Warranty
We have two models of EKG’s in stock including the GE
Mac 1200 EKG refurbished with 1 year warranty. The
MD Pro ADV12 EKG is a 12 channel / 12 color lead
EKG / ECG system
EKG / ECG Pricing for New and Refurbished Units
MAC 1200 – Refurbished 1 Year Warranty $1,400.00
MD PRO ADV 12 – New 1 Year Warranty $1,995.00
The MD Pro ADV12 is a new touch screen EKG with 12 lead
and 12 channel printing display.
MAC 1200 EKG / ECG – Mac 1200 owners manual and specifications
Call 858-263-4894 or email us
at hospitaldirectmedical@gmail.com

Mac 5000 EKG Mac 1200 EKG MD Pro ADV 12 EKG
MD Pro Advance 12 EKG Specifications
MDPro ADV12 EKG Machine Features:
•8.9 inches high brightness color touch-screen, hand writing support
•Alphanumeric keyboard with backlight silicone keys, waterproof design
•1:1 ratio waveforms with grid line background can meet the diagnosis habit of doctors
•Click the electrodes connection diagram to show ECG leads connection
•Last 300 seconds 12-lead waveforms reviewable and recordable
•R-R interval analysis, arrhythmia detection, brief and detail analysis reports
•Specificity analysis for adult and children
•Search data by patient information, disease, date, ID and medical record number
•The color of background, grid line, waveform, lead symbol, gain symbol and text can be changed
•Unique ECG data acquisition box with independent function keys
•Multiple ports for data transmission ( LAN, USB, SD card, VGA)
•Various recording fomat: 3×4, 3×4+R, 3×4+3R, 6×2, 6×2+R, 6×2+3R, 12, 12+R, 12+3R, rhythm mode
•ECG data can be saved as JPG or XML format
•Application of Minnesota Code, CSE & AHA database
•Support ECG management system, HL7 protocol & built-in WIFI (optional)
•DICOM is available
Our Two Best Selling EKG’s toe Mac 1200 EKG and the MD Pro Touchscreen EKG
To order or buy an EKG or for volume pricing of 5 or more units please call
us for pricing at 858-731-7278 or email us at getinfo@san.rr.com

MAC 1200 and MD Pro EKG for sale
“EKG for SALE” GE Mac 1200, Marquette Mac 5000, MD Pro EKG new
new, used and refurbished ekg’s for sale at wholesale pricing.
About Used Surplus Medical and Hospital Equipment
New and used refurbished hospital and medical equipment including Hill Rom hospital beds, Stryker medical beds, gurneys, stretchers, Midmark and Ritter exam room tables, procedure chairs, EKG's, portable OB GYN and Vascular ultrasounds, Acuson Sequoia 512 ultrasounds, Draeger / Narcomed anesthesia machines, Maquette, Skytron and AMSCO "OR" operating / surgical tables, patient vital sign monitors, cardiac monitors, ETCO2 monitors, ECG monitors, surgery lighting, portable X- ray machines, C Arm X ray machines, sterilizers, autoclaves, eye equipment, endoscopy / Stryker / Olympus towers, Laparoscopic towers and carts, portable ultrasounds, OB /GYN ultrasounds, Vascular ultrasounds, Philips and Zoll AED's, Physio Control Lifepack 20 defibrillators, EKG's, overbed tables, endoscopy equipment, surgical lights, vital signs monitors, exam tables and everything and anything for a hospital and medical center. Hospital Direct Medical Equipment sold patient ready, bio-med certified from San Diego California and Winchester and Richmond Virginia. We can ship anywhere in the USA and the world. Call us at (858) 263-4894 California and (540) 327-7376 Virginia or email us at hospitaldirectmedical@gmail.com.
Reconstruido y usado hospital y equipo médico incluyendo camas hospitalarias Hill Rom, camas médicas Stryker, camillas, camillas, mesas de la sala de examen Midmark y Ritter, sillas de procedimiento, electrocardiogramas, ultrasonido portátil OB GYN y vascular, ultrasonidos Acuson Sequoia 512, máquinas de anestesia Draeger / Narcomed , Maquette, Skytron y AMSCO "quirófanos" / mesas quirúrgicas, monitores de signos vitales del paciente, monitores cardíacos, monitores ETCO2, monitores de ECG, iluminación de cirugía, máquinas de rayos X portátiles, máquinas de rayos X C Brazo, esterilizadores, autoclaves, equipos para los ojos, torres endoscópicas / Stryker / Olympus, torres y carros laparoscópicos, ecografías portátiles, ultrasonidos OB / GYN, ultrasonidos vasculares, desfibriladores Physio Control Lifepack 20, monitores de signos vitales, exámenes de signos vitales, desfibriladores Physio Control Lifepack 20, EKG's, mesas de sobreposición tablas y todo y cualquier cosa para un hospital y centro médico. El equipo médico directo del hospital vendió listo para el paciente, con certificación biomédica de San Diego California y Winchester y Richmond Virginia. Podemos enviar a cualquier parte de los Estados Unidos y el mundo. Llámenos al (858) 263-4894 California y al (540) 327-7376 Virginia o envíenos un correo electrónico a hospitaldirectmedical@gmail.com.
Hospital Direct Medical 858-263-4894- Se Habla Espanol Gloria Flores (858) 922-6862. New, used and refurbished hospital equipment and USA medical equipment company, dealer, broker and distributor.